renku template

Manage project templates.


Renku projects are initialized using a project template. Renku has a set of built-in templates that you can use in your projects. These templates can be listed by using:

Commands and options

renku template

Template commands.

renku template [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...


Show available templates in Renku or in a template source.

renku template ls [OPTIONS]


-s, --source <source>

Provide the templates repository url or path

-r, --reference <reference>

Specify the reference to checkout on the remote template repository

-v, --verbose

Show detailed description for templates and parameters


Set a template for a project.

renku template set [OPTIONS] [TEMPLATE_ID]


-s, --source <source>

Provide the templates repository url or path

-r, --reference <reference>

Specify the reference to checkout on the remote template repository

-p, --parameter <parameters>

Provide parameters value. Should be invoked once per parameter. Please specify the values as follow: –parameter “param1”=”value”

-f, --force

Override existing template

-i, --interactive

Ask for overwriting files or parameter values

-n, --dry-run

Show what would have been changed



Optional argument


Show detailed template information for a single template.

renku template show [OPTIONS] [TEMPLATE_ID]


-s, --source <source>

Provide the templates repository url or path

-r, --reference <reference>

Specify the reference to checkout on the remote template repository



Optional argument


Update a project’s template.

renku template update [OPTIONS]


-f, --force

Force an update for fixed template versions

-i, --interactive

Ask for overwriting files or parameter values

-n, --dry-run

Show what would have been updated


Validate a template repository and check for common issues.

renku template validate [OPTIONS]



Return result as JSON.

-r, --reference <reference>

Git revision/branch/tag to validate the template at.

-s, --source <source>

Remote template repository to clone and check.

Set a template

You can change a project’s template using renku template set command:

$ renku template set <template-id>

or use a template from a different source:

$ renku template set <template-id> --source <template-repo-url>

This command fails if the project already has a template. Use --force flag to force-change the template.


Setting a template overwrites existing files in a project. Pass --interactive flag to get a prompt for selecting which files to keep or overwrite.

Update a project’s template

A project’s template can be update using:

$ renku template update

If an update is available, this commands updates all project’s files that are not modified locally by the project. Pass --interactive flag to select which files to keep or overwrite.

Passing --dry-run flags shows the newest available template version and a list of files that will be updated.


You can specify a template version for a project by passing a --reference when setting it (or when initializing a project). This approach only works for templates from sources other than Renku because Renku templates are bound to the Renku version. Note that although a reference can be a git tag, branch or commit SHA, it’s recommended to use only git tags as a reference.


A template maintainer can disable updates for a template. In this case, renku update refuses to update the project. Passing --force flag causes Renku to update the template anyways.


Renku always preserve the project’s Renku version that is set in the Dockerfile even if you overwrite the Dockerfile. The reason is that the project’s metadata is not updated when setting/updating a template and therefore the project won’t work with a different Renku version. To update Renku version you need to use renku migrate command.

Validating a template repository

If you are developing your own templates in a template repository, there are some rules that templates have to follow. To assist in creating your own templates, you can check that everything is ok with:

$ renku template validate

Running this inside a template repository (not in a Renku project) will check that the manifest and individual templates are correct and follow Renku template conventions, printing warnings or errors if something needs to be changed.