Error Tracking

Renku is not bug-free and you can help us to find them.


You can quickly open an issue on GitHub with a traceback and minimal system information when you hit an unhandled exception in the CLI.

Ahhhhhhhh! You have found a bug. 🐞

1. Open an issue by typing "open";
2. Print human-readable information by typing "print";
3. See the full traceback without submitting details (default: "ignore").

Please select an action by typing its name (open, print, ignore) [ignore]:


When using renku as a hosted service the Sentry integration can be enabled to help developers iterate faster by showing them where bugs happen, how often, and who is affected.

  1. Install Sentry-SDK with python -m pip install sentry-sdk;

  2. Set environment variables SENTRY_DSN=true and SENTRY_DSN=https://<key>@sentry.<domain>/<project>.

  3. Set the environment variable SENTRY_SAMPLE_RATE=0.2. This would track 20% of all requests in Sentry performance monitoring. Set to 0 to disable.


User information might be sent to help resolving the problem. If you are not using your own Sentry instance you should inform users that you are sending possibly sensitive information to a 3rd-party service.