renku clone

Clone a Renku project.


Clone a project and set up everything to use renku right away.

This command is preferred over using git clone because you don’t need to manually set up the required Git hooks, nor enable Git-LFS. It takes care of that automatically.

Mind that, by default, renku clone pulls data from Git-LFS after cloning.

Commands and options

renku clone

Clone a Renku repository.

renku clone [OPTIONS] URL [PATH]



Do not pull data from Git-LFS.



Required argument


Optional argument

Handle special cases

To clone private repositories with an HTTPS address, you first need to log into a Renku deployment using the renku login command. renku clone will use the stored credentials when available.

To move a project to another Renku deployment you need to create a new empty project in the target deployment and push both the repository and Git-LFS objects to the new remote. Refer to Git documentation for more details.

$ git lfs fetch --all
$ git remote remove origin
$ git remote add origin <new-repository-url>
$ git push --mirror origin