Run a Renku Session on your Own Machine



Note about Windows: Renku does not officially support Windows. If you would like to try to use Renku on Windows, we recommend using WSL. However, we do not promise that all Renku functionality will work.

Have you cloned your project?

To work on your project on your own machine, you’ll need to have cloned your project. If you haven’t done that yet, check out Clone a Renku project.

Do you have Docker?

To run a Renku session, you need to have Docker installed.

On Linux systems, Docker requires root privileges. If you do not have root access to the host, you might consider rootless Docker.

Start a renku session

First, navigate into your renku project directory:

$ cd <project_name>

Then, start a session using renku session start:

$ renku session start
ID          STATUS    URL
----------  --------  ------------------------------------------------------------
f1693c198e  running


Note: Renku may inform you that the container image for the current commit does not yet exist on your machine, and Renku will offer to build it for you. Say yes!


Building too many images? By default, Renku builds a new image every time you start from a new commit. If you would prefer to reuse an image already built for your project (not build a new image every time), you can pin a specific Docker image that every session will use.

Open the session in your browser

When the session starts, it will print out a url where the session is running. Copy this url into your browser to access your Renku project running inside its containerized environment.

If you need to find this url again later, you can find all running Renku sessions by running renku session ls.

$ renku session ls
Session 5432be53d7 (running, docker)
Started: 2023-04-28T11:46:07.099128
Commit: b050ad40f36d997f709917523b50dc83a33604a5
Branch: master
SSH enabled: no

You can also use the session ID to call renku session open ID, which opens your browser window for you.

$ renku session open 5432be53d7


Looking for a shell?

Would you like to enter your containerized project environment on a shell, rather than via the browser?

Since Renku uses Docker to manage your project’s computational environment, you can use Docker commands to enter the container directly and use the shell.

First, find your renku session’s ID by listing your running sessions:

$ renku session ls
 Session 5432be53d7 (running, docker)
 Started: 2023-04-28T11:46:07.099128
 Commit: b050ad40f36d997f709917523b50dc83a33604a5
 Branch: master
 SSH enabled: no

Note the value 5432be53d7, which is the Session ID.

Then, open a shell in a running container by providing the Session ID:

$ docker exec -it 5432be53d7 /bin/bash
base ▶ ~ ▶ work ❯ project_name ▶ master ▶ $ ▶

Stop the session

When you’re done with your session, use renku session stop ID.

$ renku session stop <session_id>

to shut down the session.

Clean up unused Docker objects

As you run renku sessions, the docker images used in each session will accumulate on your machine. We suggest you occasionally prune docker containers you don’t need anymore so they don’t take up space on your machine.

For example, you can use the following commands to remove all docker images created more than 24 hours ago:

$ docker image prune -a --filter "until=24h"

and all stopped docker containers older than 24 hours:

$ docker container prune --filter "until=24h"

Take a look at the Docker documentation if you’d like to learn more.