Renku Workflows: Concepts
One of the most important ideas behind Renku is the concept of capturing the
provenance of the analysis process. Lets assume we are working with input
, code
, and results
If you write a piece of code that takes some input data, processes it and writes some output to disk, the provenance graph would look something like this:
Naturally, a result
may also be used as input data
to a subsequent step:
In Renku, we provide tools for building such workflows to record and show how data and code are connected. By encoding these relationships, your project is easier for you to manage and faster for others to read and reuse! No more reading through multiple files to understand how they are connected - workflows make the connections between code and data files easy to understand by listing each workflow step and its inputs and outputs.
Each time you track an execution with Renku, you create a workflow step. Encoding a workflow step makes it easier for you to rerun it without retyping long commands. Recording workflow steps in Renku also records metadata that you and others can use to understand how an output was generated.
To take full advantage of workflows, join individual steps together into multi-step workflows. When your code pipeline is encoded as a workflow, you can easily re-run all or portions of your workflow with simple commands, test your code with different parameters and compare the results, or send it to different execution backends.