Source code for renku.command.schema.dataset

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"""Datasets JSON-LD schemes."""

from marshmallow import EXCLUDE, pre_dump

from renku.command.schema.agent import PersonSchema
from renku.command.schema.annotation import AnnotationSchema
from renku.command.schema.calamus import DateTimeList, JsonLDSchema, Nested, Uri, fields, oa, prov, renku, schema
from renku.command.schema.entity import CollectionSchema, EntitySchema
from renku.domain_model.dataset import Dataset, DatasetFile, DatasetTag, ImageObject, Language, RemoteEntity, Url

[docs]def dump_dataset_as_jsonld(dataset: Dataset) -> dict: """Return JSON-LD representation of a dataset. Args: dataset(Dataset): The dataset to convert. Returns: dict: JSON-LD data of dataset. """ return DatasetSchema(flattened=True).dump(dataset)
[docs]class UrlSchema(JsonLDSchema): """Url schema."""
[docs] class Meta: """Meta class.""" rdf_type = schema.URL model = Url unknown = EXCLUDE
id = fields.Id(load_default=None) url = Uri(schema.url, load_default=None)
[docs]class DatasetTagSchema(JsonLDSchema): """DatasetTag schema."""
[docs] class Meta: """Meta class.""" rdf_type = schema.PublicationEvent model = DatasetTag unknown = EXCLUDE
dataset_id = Nested(schema.about, UrlSchema, load_default=None) date_created = fields.DateTime(schema.startDate, load_default=None, format="iso", extra_formats=("%Y-%m-%d",)) description = fields.String(schema.description, load_default=None) id = fields.Id() name = fields.String(
[docs] @pre_dump(pass_many=True) def removes_ms(self, objs, many, **kwargs): """Remove milliseconds from datetimes. Note: since DateField uses `strftime` as format, which only supports timezone info without a colon e.g. `+0100` instead of `+01:00`, we have to deal with milliseconds manually instead of using a format string. """ def _replace_times(obj): obj.unfreeze() obj.date_created = obj.date_created.replace(microsecond=0) obj.freeze() if many: for obj in objs: _replace_times(obj) return objs _replace_times(objs) return objs
[docs]class LanguageSchema(JsonLDSchema): """Language schema."""
[docs] class Meta: """Meta class.""" rdf_type = schema.Language model = Language unknown = EXCLUDE
alternate_name = fields.String(schema.alternateName) id = fields.Id(load_default=None) name = fields.String(
[docs]class ImageObjectSchema(JsonLDSchema): """ImageObject schema."""
[docs] class Meta: """Meta class.""" rdf_type = schema.ImageObject model = ImageObject unknown = EXCLUDE
content_url = fields.String(schema.contentUrl) id = fields.Id(load_default=None) position = fields.Integer(schema.position)
[docs]class RemoteEntitySchema(JsonLDSchema): """RemoteEntity schema."""
[docs] class Meta: """Meta class.""" rdf_type = [prov.Entity] model = RemoteEntity unknown = EXCLUDE
checksum = fields.String(renku.checksum) id = fields.Id() path = fields.String(prov.atLocation) url = fields.String(schema.url)
[docs]class DatasetFileSchema(JsonLDSchema): """DatasetFile schema."""
[docs] class Meta: """Meta class.""" rdf_type = [prov.Entity, schema.DigitalDocument] model = DatasetFile unknown = EXCLUDE
based_on = Nested(schema.isBasedOn, RemoteEntitySchema, load_default=None) date_added = DateTimeList(schema.dateCreated, format="iso", extra_formats=("%Y-%m-%d",)) date_removed = fields.DateTime(prov.invalidatedAtTime, load_default=None, format="iso") entity = Nested(prov.entity, [EntitySchema, CollectionSchema]) id = fields.Id() is_external = fields.Boolean(renku.external, load_default=False) source = fields.String(renku.source, load_default=None)
[docs] @pre_dump(pass_many=True) def removes_ms(self, objs, many, **kwargs): """Remove milliseconds from datetimes. Note: since DateField uses `strftime` as format, which only supports timezone info without a colon e.g. `+0100` instead of `+01:00`, we have to deal with milliseconds manually instead of using a format string. """ def _replace_times(obj): obj.date_added = obj.date_added.replace(microsecond=0) if obj.date_removed: obj.date_removed = obj.date_removed.replace(microsecond=0) if many: for obj in objs: _replace_times(obj) return objs _replace_times(objs) return objs
[docs]class DatasetSchema(JsonLDSchema): """Dataset schema."""
[docs] class Meta: """Meta class.""" rdf_type = [prov.Entity, schema.Dataset] model = Dataset unknown = EXCLUDE
annotations = Nested(oa.hasTarget, AnnotationSchema, reverse=True, many=True) creators = Nested(schema.creator, PersonSchema, many=True) date_created = fields.DateTime(schema.dateCreated, load_default=None, format="iso", extra_formats=("%Y-%m-%d",)) date_modified = fields.DateTime(schema.dateModified, load_default=None, format="iso", extra_formats=("%Y-%m-%d",)) date_removed = fields.DateTime(prov.invalidatedAtTime, load_default=None, format="iso") date_published = fields.DateTime( schema.datePublished, load_default=None, format="%Y-%m-%d", extra_formats=("iso", "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S") ) derived_from = Nested(prov.wasDerivedFrom, UrlSchema, load_default=None) description = fields.String(schema.description, load_default=None) dataset_files = Nested(schema.hasPart, DatasetFileSchema, many=True) id = fields.Id(load_default=None) identifier = fields.String(schema.identifier) images = fields.Nested(schema.image, ImageObjectSchema, load_default=None, many=True) in_language = Nested(schema.inLanguage, LanguageSchema, load_default=None) keywords = fields.List(schema.keywords, fields.String(), load_default=None) license = Uri(schema.license, load_default=None) name = fields.String(renku.slug) initial_identifier = fields.String(renku.originalIdentifier) project_id = fields.IRI(renku.hasDataset, reverse=True) same_as = Nested(schema.sameAs, UrlSchema, load_default=None) title = fields.String( version = fields.String(schema.version, load_default=None)
[docs] @pre_dump(pass_many=True) def removes_ms(self, objs, many, **kwargs): """Remove milliseconds from datetimes. Note: since DateField uses `strftime` as format, which only supports timezone info without a colon e.g. `+0100` instead of `+01:00`, we have to deal with milliseconds manually instead of using a format string. """ def _replace_times(obj): obj.unfreeze() if obj.date_created: obj.date_created = obj.date_created.replace(microsecond=0) if obj.date_removed: obj.date_removed = obj.date_removed.replace(microsecond=0) if obj.date_published: obj.date_published = obj.date_published.replace(microsecond=0) obj.date_modified = obj.date_modified.replace(microsecond=0) obj.freeze() if many: for obj in objs: _replace_times(obj) return objs _replace_times(objs) return objs