
Extract provenance information from the repository.

Represent an execution of a Plan.

class renku.domain_model.provenance.activity.Activity(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: renku.infrastructure.persistent.Persistent

Represent an activity in the repository.


Compare execution date with another activity; return a positive value if self is executed after the other.

delete(when=datetime.datetime(2023, 5, 12, 13, 27, 30, 30355, tzinfo=datetime.timezone(datetime.timedelta(0), 'UTC')))[source]

Mark the activity as deleted.

property deleted

Return if the activity was deleted.

classmethod from_plan(plan, repository, project_gateway, started_at_time, ended_at_time, annotations=None, id=None)[source]

Convert a Plan to a Activity.

static generate_id(uuid=None)[source]

Generate an identifier for an activity.


Return true if all input and outputs paths are identical regardless of the order.

property plan_with_values[source]

Get a copy of the associated plan with values from ParameterValues applied.

class renku.domain_model.provenance.activity.ActivityCollection(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: renku.infrastructure.persistent.Persistent

Represent a list of activities.

static generate_id()[source]

Generate an identifier for an activity collection.

class renku.domain_model.provenance.activity.Association(*, agent, id, plan)[source]

Bases: object

Assign responsibility to an agent for an activity.

static generate_id(activity_id)[source]

Generate a Association identifier.

class renku.domain_model.provenance.activity.Generation(*, entity, id)[source]

Bases: renku.infrastructure.immutable.Immutable

Represent an act of generating a path.

static generate_id(activity_id)[source]

Generate a Generation identifier.

class renku.domain_model.provenance.activity.HiddenUsage(*, entity, id)[source]

Bases: renku.domain_model.provenance.activity.Usage

Represent a dependent path corresponding to a HiddenInput.

class renku.domain_model.provenance.activity.Usage(*, entity, id)[source]

Bases: renku.infrastructure.immutable.Immutable

Represent a dependent path.

static generate_id(activity_id)[source]

Generate a Usage identifier.

class renku.domain_model.provenance.activity.WorkflowFileActivityCollection(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: renku.domain_model.provenance.activity.ActivityCollection

Represent activities of a workflow file execution.

classmethod from_activities(plan, project_gateway, activities)[source]

Create an instance from a list of Activity.

static generate_id()[source]

Generate an identifier.

Represent provenance agents.

class renku.domain_model.provenance.agent.Agent(*, id, name, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: renku.infrastructure.immutable.Slots

Represent executed software.

property full_identity

Return the identity of this Agent.

class renku.domain_model.provenance.agent.Person(*, affiliation=None, alternate_name=None, email=None, id=None, name)[source]

Bases: renku.domain_model.provenance.agent.Agent

Represent a person.

classmethod from_dict(data)[source]

Create and instance from a dictionary.

classmethod from_string(string)[source]

Create an instance from a ‘Name <email>’ string.

property full_identity

Return name, email, and affiliation.

static generate_id(email, full_identity)[source]

Generate identifier for Person.

static get_full_identity(email, affiliation, name)[source]

Return name, email, and affiliation.

property short_name

Gives full name in short form.

class renku.domain_model.provenance.agent.SoftwareAgent(*, id, name, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: renku.domain_model.provenance.agent.Agent

Represent executed software.

Represent an annotation for a workflow.

class renku.domain_model.provenance.annotation.Annotation(*, id, body=None, source=None)[source]

Bases: object

Represents a custom annotation for a research object.


Return a copy of this annotation.

static generate_id()[source]

Generate an id for an annotation.

Classes for tracking parameter values in provenance.

class renku.domain_model.provenance.parameter.ParameterValue(*, id, parameter_id, value)[source]

Bases: object

Value for a parameter in provenance.


Apply the current value as actual_value on the plan’s parameter.

static generate_id(activity_id)[source]

Generate a default id.