Source code for renku.core.session.docker

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2018-2022 - Swiss Data Science Center (SDSC)
# A partnership between École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) and
# Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich (ETHZ).
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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"""Docker based interactive session provider."""

import webbrowser
from pathlib import Path
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Dict, Iterable, List, Optional, Tuple, cast
from uuid import uuid4

import docker
from requests.exceptions import ReadTimeout

from renku.core import errors
from renku.core.config import get_value
from renku.core.constant import ProviderPriority
from renku.core.plugin import hookimpl
from renku.core.util import communication
from renku.domain_model.project_context import project_context
from renku.domain_model.session import ISessionProvider, Session

    from renku.core.dataset.providers.models import ProviderParameter

[docs]class DockerSessionProvider(ISessionProvider): """A docker based interactive session provider.""" JUPYTER_PORT = 8888 # NOTE: Give the docker provider a higher priority so that it's checked first priority: ProviderPriority = ProviderPriority.HIGHEST def __init__(self): self._docker_client = None
[docs] def docker_client(self) -> docker.client.DockerClient: """Get the docker client. Note: This is not a @property, even though it should be, because ``pluggy`` will call it in that case in unrelated parts of the code that will Raises: errors.DockerError: Exception when docker is not available. Returns: The docker client. """ if self._docker_client is None: try: self._docker_client = docker.from_env() except docker.errors.DockerException as e: raise errors.DockerError(f"Error while initializing docker client: {str(e)}") return self._docker_client
@staticmethod def _get_jupyter_urls(ports: Dict[str, Any], auth_token: str, jupyter_port: int = 8888) -> Iterable[str]: port_key = f"{jupyter_port}/tcp" if port_key not in ports: return list() return map(lambda x: f"http://{x['HostIp']}:{x['HostPort']}/?token={auth_token}", ports[port_key]) def _get_docker_containers(self, project_name: str) -> List[docker.models.containers.Container]: return self.docker_client().containers.list(filters={"label": f"renku_project={project_name}"}) @property def name(self) -> str: """Return session provider's name.""" return "docker"
[docs] def is_remote_provider(self) -> bool: """Return True for remote providers (i.e. not local Docker).""" return False
[docs] def build_image(self, image_descriptor: Path, image_name: str, config: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]): """Builds the container image.""" self.docker_client(), tag=image_name)
[docs] def find_image(self, image_name: str, config: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> bool: """Find the given container image.""" with communication.busy(msg=f"Checking for image {image_name}"): try: self.docker_client().images.get(image_name) except docker.errors.ImageNotFound: try: self.docker_client().images.get_registry_data(image_name) except docker.errors.APIError: return False else: return True try: with communication.busy(msg=f"Pulling image from remote {image_name}"): self.docker_client().images.pull(image_name) except docker.errors.NotFound: return False else: return True
[docs] @hookimpl def session_provider(self) -> ISessionProvider: """Supported session provider. Returns: A reference to ``self``. """ return self
[docs] def get_start_parameters(self) -> List["ProviderParameter"]: """Returns parameters that can be set for session start.""" return []
[docs] def get_open_parameters(self) -> List["ProviderParameter"]: """Returns parameters that can be set for session open.""" return []
[docs] def session_list(self, project_name: str, config: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> List[Session]: """Lists all the sessions currently running by the given session provider. Returns: list: a list of sessions. """ return list( map( lambda x: Session( id=cast(str, x.short_id), status=x.status, url=next(iter(DockerSessionProvider()._get_jupyter_urls(x.ports, x.labels["jupyter_token"]))), ), self._get_docker_containers(project_name), ) )
[docs] def session_start( self, image_name: str, project_name: str, config: Optional[Dict[str, Any]], cpu_request: Optional[float] = None, mem_request: Optional[str] = None, disk_request: Optional[str] = None, gpu_request: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ) -> Tuple[str, str]: """Creates an interactive session. Returns: Tuple[str, str]: Provider message and a possible warning message. """ def session_start_helper(consider_disk_request: bool): try: docker_is_running = self.docker_client().ping() if not docker_is_running: raise errors.DockerError( "Could not communicate with the docker instance. Please make sure it is running!" ) auth_token = uuid4().hex default_url = get_value("interactive", "default_url") # resource requests resource_requests: Dict[str, Any] = dict() if cpu_request: # based on the docker go cli: func ParseCPUs resource_requests["nano_cpus"] = int(cpu_request * 10**9) if mem_request: resource_requests["mem_limit"] = mem_request if consider_disk_request and disk_request: resource_requests["storage_opt"] = {"size": disk_request} if gpu_request: if gpu_request == "all": resource_requests["device_requests"] = [ docker.types.DeviceRequest(count=-1, capabilities=[["compute", "utility"]]) ] else: resource_requests["device_requests"] = [ docker.types.DeviceRequest(count=[gpu_request], capabilities=[["compute", "utility"]]) ] # NOTE: set git user image_data = self.docker_client().api.inspect_image(image_name) working_dir = image_data.get("Config", {}).get("WorkingDir", None) if working_dir is None: working_dir = "/home/jovyan" work_dir = Path(working_dir) / "work" / project_name.split("/")[-1] volumes = [f"{str(project_context.path.resolve())}:{work_dir}"] user = project_context.repository.get_user() environment = { "GIT_AUTHOR_NAME":, "GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL":, "GIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL":, "EMAIL":, } container = self.docker_client() image_name, 'jupyter notebook --NotebookApp.ip=""' f" --NotebookApp.port={DockerSessionProvider.JUPYTER_PORT}" f' --NotebookApp.token="{auth_token}" --NotebookApp.default_url="{default_url}"' f" --NotebookApp.notebook_dir={work_dir}", detach=True, labels={"renku_project": project_name, "jupyter_token": auth_token}, ports={f"{DockerSessionProvider.JUPYTER_PORT}/tcp": None}, remove=True, environment=environment, volumes=volumes, working_dir=str(work_dir), **resource_requests, ) if not container.ports: container.reload() jupyter_urls = DockerSessionProvider._get_jupyter_urls( container.ports, auth_token, jupyter_port=DockerSessionProvider.JUPYTER_PORT ) message = f"The session for '{image_name}' has been successfully started. It is available at:\n\t" message += "\n\t".join(jupyter_urls) return message except docker.errors.BuildError as error: raise errors.DockerError("Couldn't build the image. See inner exception for details.") from error except docker.errors.APIError as error: raise errors.DockerAPIError("Docker API returned an error. See inner exception for details.") from error except ReadTimeout as error: raise errors.DockerError( "Couldn't reach the Docker API. Is the docker service running and up to date?" ) from error try: result = session_start_helper(consider_disk_request=True) except errors.DockerAPIError: warning_message = "Cannot start a session with the disk request: Ignoring the disk request" return session_start_helper(consider_disk_request=False), warning_message else: return result, ""
[docs] def session_stop(self, project_name: str, session_name: Optional[str], stop_all: bool) -> bool: """Stops all or a given interactive session.""" try: docker_containers = ( self._get_docker_containers(project_name) if stop_all else self.docker_client().containers.list(filters={"id": session_name}) ) if len(docker_containers) == 0: return False [c.stop() for c in docker_containers] return True except docker.errors.APIError as error: raise errors.DockerError(error.msg)
[docs] def session_open(self, project_name: str, session_name: str, **kwargs) -> bool: """Open a given interactive session. Args: project_name(str): Renku project name. session_name(str): The unique id of the interactive session. """ url = self.session_url(session_name) if not url: return False return True
[docs] def session_url(self, session_name: str) -> Optional[str]: """Get the URL of the interactive session.""" for c in self.docker_client().containers.list(): if c.short_id == session_name and f"{DockerSessionProvider.JUPYTER_PORT}/tcp" in c.ports: host = c.ports[f"{DockerSessionProvider.JUPYTER_PORT}/tcp"][0] return f'http://{host["HostIp"]}:{host["HostPort"]}/?token={c.labels["jupyter_token"]}' return None