Source code for renku.core.errors

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2017-2022 - Swiss Data Science Center (SDSC)
# A partnership between École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) and
# Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich (ETHZ).
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
"""Renku exceptions."""

from pathlib import Path
from typing import List, Union

import click
from packaging.version import Version

from renku.core.constant import RENKU_HOME

[docs]class RenkuException(Exception): """A base class for all Renku related exception. You can catch all errors raised by Renku SDK by using ``except RenkuException:``. """
[docs]class DatasetException(RenkuException): """Base class for all dataset-related exceptions."""
[docs]class ActivityDownstreamNotEmptyError(RenkuException): """Raised when an activity cannot be deleted because its downstream is not empty.""" def __init__(self, activity): self.activity = activity super().__init__(f"Activity '{}' has non-empty downstream")
[docs]class LockError(RenkuException): """Raise when a project cannot be locked."""
[docs]class RequestError(RenkuException): """Raise when a ``requests`` call fails."""
[docs]class NotFound(RenkuException): """Raise when an object is not found in KG."""
[docs]class ParameterError(RenkuException): """Raise in case of invalid parameter.""" def __init__(self, message, param_hint=None): """Build a custom message.""" if param_hint: if isinstance(param_hint, (tuple, list)): param_hint = " / ".join('"{}"'.format(x) for x in param_hint) message = "Invalid parameter value for {}: {}".format(param_hint, message) else: message = "Invalid parameter value - {}".format(message) super().__init__(message)
[docs]class IncompatibleParametersError(ParameterError): """Raise in case of incompatible parameters/flags.""" def __init__(self, a: str = None, b: str = None): """Build a custom message.""" message = f"{a} is incompatible with {b}" if a is not None and b is not None else "Incompatible parameters" super().__init__(message)
[docs]class InvalidFileOperation(RenkuException): """Raise when trying to perform invalid file operation."""
[docs]class UsageError(RenkuException): """Raise in case of unintended usage of certain function calls."""
[docs]class ConfigurationError(RenkuException): """Raise in case of misconfiguration; use GitConfigurationError for git-related configuration errors."""
[docs]class AuthenticationError(RenkuException): """Raise when there is a problem with authentication."""
[docs]class DirtyRepository(RenkuException): """Raise when trying to work with dirty repository.""" def __init__(self, repository): """Build a custom message.""" super(DirtyRepository, self).__init__( "The repository is dirty. " 'Please use the "git" command to clean it.' "\n\n" + str(repository.status()) + "\n\n" "Once you have added the untracked files, " 'commit them with "git commit".' )
[docs]class DirtyRenkuDirectory(RenkuException): """Raise when a directory in the renku repository is dirty.""" def __init__(self, repository): """Build a custom message.""" super(DirtyRenkuDirectory, self).__init__( ( "The renku directory {0} contains uncommitted changes.\n" 'Please use "git" command to resolve.\n' "Files within {0} directory " "need to be manually committed or removed." ).format(RENKU_HOME) + "\n\n" + str(repository.status()) + "\n\n" )
[docs]class ProtectedFiles(RenkuException): """Raise when trying to work with protected files.""" def __init__(self, ignored: List[Union[Path, str]]): """Build a custom message.""" super(ProtectedFiles, self).__init__( "The following paths are protected as part of renku:" "\n\n" + "\n".join("\t" +, fg="yellow") for path in ignored) + "\n" "They cannot be used in renku commands." )
[docs]class MigrationRequired(RenkuException): """Raise when migration is required.""" def __init__(self): """Build a custom message.""" super().__init__( "Project version is outdated and a migration is required.\n" "Run `renku migrate` command to fix the issue." )
[docs]class ProjectNotSupported(RenkuException): """Raise when project version is newer than the supported version.""" def __init__(self): """Build a custom message.""" super().__init__( "Project is not supported by this version of Renku.\n" "Upgrade to the latest version of Renku." )
[docs]class ProjectNotFound(RenkuException): """Raise when one or more projects couldn't be found in the KG."""
[docs]class NothingToCommit(RenkuException): """Raise when there is nothing to commit.""" def __init__(self): """Build a custom message.""" super(NothingToCommit, self).__init__("There is nothing to commit.")
[docs]class CommitMessageEmpty(RenkuException): """Raise invalid commit message.""" def __init__(self): """Build a custom message.""" super(CommitMessageEmpty, self).__init__("Invalid commit message.")
[docs]class FailedMerge(RenkuException): """Raise when automatic merge failed.""" def __init__(self, repository, branch, merge_args): """Build a custom message.""" super(FailedMerge, self).__init__( "Failed merge of branch {0} with args {1}".format(branch, ",".join(merge_args)) + "The automatic merge failed.\n\n" 'Please use the "git" command to clean it.' "\n\n" + str(repository.status()) )
[docs]class UnmodifiedOutputs(RenkuException): """Raise when there are unmodified outputs in the repository.""" def __init__(self, repository, unmodified): """Build a custom message.""" super(UnmodifiedOutputs, self).__init__( "There are no detected new outputs or changes.\n" "\nIf any of the following files should be considered as outputs," "\nthey need to be removed first in order to be detected " "correctly." '\n (use "git rm <file>..." to remove them first)' "\n\n" + "\n".join("\t" +, fg="green") for path in unmodified) + "\n" "\nOnce you have removed the files that should be used as outputs," "\nyou can safely rerun the previous command." "\nYou can use --output flag to specify outputs explicitly." )
[docs]class InvalidOutputPath(RenkuException): """Raise when trying to work with an invalid output path."""
[docs]class OutputsNotFound(RenkuException): """Raise when there are not any detected outputs in the repository.""" def __init__(self): """Build a custom message.""" msg = ( "There are not any detected outputs in the repository. This can be due to your command not creating " "any new files or due to files that get created already existing before the command was run. In the " "latter case, you can remove those files prior to running your command.\nIf you want to track the command" "without outputs, use the use --no-output option.\nYou can also use the --output flag to track outputs" "manually." ) super(OutputsNotFound, self).__init__(msg)
[docs]class InvalidInputPath(RenkuException): """Raise when input path does not exist or is not in the repository."""
[docs]class InvalidSuccessCode(RenkuException): """Raise when the exit-code is not 0 or redefined.""" def __init__(self, returncode, success_codes=None): """Build a custom message.""" if not success_codes: msg = "Command returned non-zero exit status {0}.".format(returncode) else: msg = "Command returned {0} exit status, but it expects {1}".format( returncode, ", ".join((str(code) for code in success_codes)) ) super(InvalidSuccessCode, self).__init__(msg)
[docs]class DatasetNotFound(DatasetException): """Raise when dataset is not found.""" def __init__(self, *, name=None, message=None): """Build a custom message.""" if message: msg = message elif name: msg = f"Dataset '{name}' is not found." else: msg = "Dataset is not found." super().__init__(msg)
[docs]class DatasetTagNotFound(DatasetException): """Raise when a tag can't be found.""" def __init__(self, tag) -> None: msg = f"Couldn't find dataset tag '{tag}'." super().__init__(msg)
[docs]class FileNotFound(RenkuException): """Raise when a file is not found.""" def __init__(self, path, checksum=None, revision=None): """Build a custom message.""" if checksum: message = f"File not found in the repository: {checksum}:{path}" elif revision: message = f"File not found in the repository: {path}@{revision}" else: message = f"Cannot find file {path}" super().__init__(message)
[docs]class ExternalFileNotFound(DatasetException): """Raise when an external file is not found.""" def __init__(self, path): """Build a custom message.""" super().__init__(f"Cannot find external file '{path}'")
[docs]class DirectoryNotEmptyError(RenkuException): """Raised when a directory passed as output is not empty.""" def __init__(self, path): """Build a custom message.""" super().__init__(f"Destination directory is not empty: '{path}'")
[docs]class DatasetExistsError(DatasetException): """Raise when trying to create an existing dataset.""" def __init__(self, name): super().__init__(f"Dataset exists: '{name}'")
[docs]class ExternalStorageNotInstalled(RenkuException): """Raise when LFS is required but not found or installed in the repository.""" def __init__(self): """Build a custom message.""" msg = ( "External storage is not installed, " "but this repository depends on it. \n" "By running this command without storage installed " "you could be committing\n" "large files directly to the git repository.\n\n" "If this is your intention, please repeat the command with " "the -S flag (e.g. renku -S run <cmd>), \n" 'otherwise install LFS with "git lfs install --local".' ) super(ExternalStorageNotInstalled, self).__init__(msg)
[docs]class ExternalStorageDisabled(RenkuException): """Raise when disabled repository storage API is trying to be used.""" def __init__(self): """Build a custom message.""" msg = ( "External storage is not configured, " "but this action is trying to use it.\n" "By running this command without storage enabled " "you could be committing\n" "large files directly to the git repository.\n\n" "If this is your intention, please repeat the command with " "the -S flag (e.g. renku -S run <cmd>), \n" 'otherwise install e.g. git-LFS with "git lfs install --local".' ) super(ExternalStorageDisabled, self).__init__(msg)
[docs]class UninitializedProject(RenkuException): """Raise when a project does not seem to have been initialized yet.""" def __init__(self, repo_path): """Build a custom message.""" msg = "{repo_path} does not seem to be a Renku project.\n" 'Initialize it with "renku init"'.format( repo_path=repo_path ) super(UninitializedProject, self).__init__(msg)
[docs]class InvalidAccessToken(RenkuException): """Raise when access token is incorrect.""" def __init__(self): """Build a custom message.""" msg = "Invalid access token.\n" "Please, update access token." super(InvalidAccessToken, self).__init__(msg)
[docs]class GitError(RenkuException): """Raised when a Git operation fails."""
[docs]class InvalidGitURL(GitError): """Raise when a Git URL is not valid."""
[docs]class GitCommandError(GitError): """Raised when a Git command fails.""" def __init__(self, message="Git command failed.", command=None, stdout=None, stderr=None, status=None): """Build a custom message.""" super().__init__(message) self.command = command self.stdout = stdout self.stderr = stderr self.status = status
[docs]class GitCommitNotFoundError(GitError): """Raised when a commit cannot be found in a Repository."""
[docs]class GitRemoteNotFoundError(GitError): """Raised when a remote cannot be found."""
[docs]class GitReferenceNotFoundError(GitError): """Raised when a branch or a reference cannot be found."""
[docs]class GitConfigurationError(GitError): """Raised when a git configuration cannot be accessed."""
[docs]class GitMissingUsername(GitConfigurationError): """Raise when the username is not configured.""" def __init__(self, message=None): """Build a custom message.""" message = message or ( "The user name is not configured. " 'Please use the "git config" command to configure it.\n\n' '\tgit config --set "John Doe"\n' ) super().__init__(message)
[docs]class GitMissingEmail(GitConfigurationError): """Raise when the email is not configured.""" def __init__(self, message=None): """Build a custom message.""" message = message or ( "The email address is not configured. " 'Please use the "git config" command to configure it.\n\n' '\tgit config --set ""\n' ) super().__init__(message)
[docs]class GitLFSError(RenkuException): """Raised when a Git LFS operation fails."""
[docs]class OperationError(RenkuException): """Raised when an operation at runtime raises an error."""
[docs]class SHACLValidationError(RenkuException): """Raises when SHACL validation of the graph fails."""
[docs]class CommitProcessingError(RenkuException): """Raised when a commit couldn't be processed during graph build."""
[docs]class WorkflowExecuteError(RenkuException): """Raises when a workflow execution fails.""" def __init__(self, fail_reason=None): """Build a custom message.""" msg = "Unable to finish executing workflow" if fail_reason: msg += f": {fail_reason}" super(WorkflowExecuteError, self).__init__(msg)
[docs]class WorkflowRerunError(RenkuException): """Raises when a workflow re-execution fails.""" def __init__(self, workflow_file): """Build a custom message.""" msg = ( "Unable to finish re-executing workflow; check the workflow" " execution outline above and the generated {0} file for" " potential issues, then remove the {0} file and try again".format(str(workflow_file)) ) super(WorkflowRerunError, self).__init__(msg)
[docs]class ExportError(DatasetException): """Raised when a dataset cannot be exported."""
[docs]class TemplateError(RenkuException): """Base class for template-related exceptions."""
[docs]class InvalidTemplateError(TemplateError): """Raised when using a non-valid template."""
[docs]class TemplateMissingReferenceError(TemplateError): """Raised when using a non-valid template."""
[docs]class TemplateUpdateError(TemplateError): """Raised when a project couldn't be updated from its template."""
[docs]class TemplateNotFoundError(TemplateError): """Raised when a template cannot be found in a template source or at a specific reference."""
[docs]class DockerfileUpdateError(RenkuException): """Raised when the renku version in the Dockerfile couldn't be updated."""
[docs]class MigrationError(RenkuException): """Raised when something went wrong during migrations."""
[docs]class DatasetImportError(DatasetException): """Raised when a dataset cannot be imported/pulled from a remote source."""
[docs]class CommandNotFinalizedError(RenkuException): """Raised when a non-finalized command is executed."""
[docs]class CommandFinalizedError(RenkuException): """Raised when trying to modify a finalized command builder."""
[docs]class RenkuSaveError(RenkuException): """Raised when renku save doesn't work."""
[docs]class DatasetImageError(DatasetException): """Raised when a local dataset image is not accessible."""
[docs]class NodeNotFoundError(RenkuException): """Raised when NodeJs is not installed on the system.""" def __init__(self): """Build a custom message.""" msg = ( "NodeJs could not be found on this system\n" "Please install it, for details see" ) super(NodeNotFoundError, self).__init__(msg)
[docs]class ObjectNotFoundError(RenkuException): """Raised when an object is not found in the storage.""" def __init__(self, filename): """Embed exception and build a custom message.""" super().__init__(f"Cannot find object: '{filename}'")
[docs]class ParameterNotFoundError(RenkuException): """Raised when a parameter reference cannot be resolved to a parameter.""" def __init__(self, parameter: str, workflow: str): """Embed exception and build a custom message.""" super().__init__(f"Cannot find parameter '{parameter}' on workflow {workflow}")
[docs]class MappingExistsError(RenkuException): """Raised when a parameter mapping exists already.""" def __init__(self, existing_mappings: List[str]): """Embed exception and build a custom message.""" existing = "\n\t".join(existing_mappings) super().__init__( "Duplicate mapping detected. The following mapping targets " f"already exist on these mappings: \n\t{existing}" )
[docs]class MappingNotFoundError(RenkuException): """Raised when a parameter mapping does not exist.""" def __init__(self, mapping: str, workflow: str): """Embed exception and build a custom message.""" super().__init__(f"Cannot find mapping '{mapping}' on workflow {workflow}")
[docs]class ChildWorkflowNotFoundError(RenkuException): """Raised when a child could not be found on a composite workflow.""" def __init__(self, child: str, workflow: str): """Embed exception and build a custom message.""" super().__init__(f"Cannot find child step '{child}' on workflow {workflow}")
[docs]class WorkflowNotFoundError(RenkuException): """Raised when a workflow could not be found.""" def __init__(self, name_or_id: str): """Embed exception and build a custom message.""" self.name_or_id = name_or_id super().__init__(f"The specified workflow '{name_or_id}' cannot be found.")
[docs]class ParameterLinkError(RenkuException): """Raised when a parameter link cannot be created.""" def __init__(self, reason: str): """Embed exception and build a custom message.""" super().__init__(f"Can't create parameter link, reason: {reason}")
[docs]class GraphCycleError(RenkuException): """Raised when a parameter reference cannot be resolved to a parameter.""" def __init__(self, cycles: List[List[str]]): """Embed exception and build a custom message.""" cycle_str = "), (".join(", ".join(cycle) for cycle in cycles) super().__init__( f"Cycles detected in execution graph: ({cycle_str})\nCircular workflows are not supported in renku\n" "If this happened as part of a 'renku run' or 'renku workflow execute', please git reset and clean" "the project and try again. This might be due to renku erroneously detecting an input as an output, " "if so, please specify the wrongly detected output as an explicit input using '--input'." )
[docs]class NothingToExecuteError(RenkuException): """Raised when a rerun/update command does not execute any workflows."""
[docs]class TerminalSizeError(RenkuException): """Raised when terminal is too small for a command."""
[docs]class DockerError(RenkuException): """Raised when error has occurred while executing docker command.""" def __init__(self, reason: str): """Embed exception and build a custom message.""" super().__init__(f"Docker failed: {reason}")
[docs]class RenkulabSessionError(RenkuException): """Raised when an error occurs trying to start sessions with the notebook service."""
[docs]class RenkulabSessionGetUrlError(RenkuException): """Raised when Renku deployment's URL cannot be gotten from project's remotes or configured remotes.""" def __init__(self): message = ( "Cannot determine the Renku deployment's URL. Ensure your current project is a valid Renku project and has " "a remote URL." ) super().__init__(message)
[docs]class NotebookSessionNotReadyError(RenkuException): """Raised when a user attempts to open a session that is not ready."""
[docs]class NotebookSessionImageNotExistError(RenkuException): """Raised when a user attempts to start a session with an image that does not exist."""
[docs]class MetadataMergeError(RenkuException): """Raise when merging of metadata failed."""
[docs]class MinimumVersionError(RenkuException): """Raised when accessing a project whose minimum version is larger than the current renku version.""" def __init__(self, current_version: Version, minimum_version: Version) -> None: self.current_version = current_version self.minimum_version = minimum_version super().__init__( f"You are using renku version {current_version} but this project requires at least version " f"{minimum_version}. Please upgrade renku to work on this project." )
[docs]class DatasetProviderNotFound(DatasetException, ParameterError): """Raised when a dataset provider cannot be found based on a URI or a provider name.""" def __init__(self, *, name: str = None, uri: str = None, message: str = None): if message is None: if name: message = f"Provider '{name}' not found" elif uri: message = f"Cannot find a provider to process '{uri}'" else: message = "Provider not found" super().__init__(message)
[docs]class StorageProviderNotFound(DatasetException, ParameterError): """Raised when a storage provider cannot be found based on a URI.""" def __init__(self, uri: str): super().__init__(f"Cannot find a storage provider to process '{uri}'")
[docs]class RCloneException(DatasetException): """Base class for all rclone-related exceptions."""
[docs]class StorageObjectNotFound(RCloneException): """Raised when a file or directory cannot be found in the remote storage.""" def __init__(self, error: str = None): message = "Cannot find file/directory" if error: message = f"{message}: {error}" super().__init__(message)