renku session

Manage interactive sessions.


Manage sessions through the command line interface by starting and stopping them. It’s possible to list the current sessions and to connect to them.

Currently, two providers are supported: docker and renkulab. More on this later.

Commands and options

renku session

Session commands.

renku session [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...


List interactive sessions.

renku session ls [OPTIONS]


-p, --provider <provider>

Backend to use for listing interactive sessions.


renkulab | docker

-c, --config <config file>

YAML file containing configuration for the provider.

--format <format>

Choose an output format.




Open an interactive session.

renku session open [OPTIONS] <name>


-p, --provider <provider>

Session provider to use.


renkulab | docker



Required argument


Start an interactive session.

renku session start [OPTIONS]


-p, --provider <provider>

Backend to use for creating an interactive session.




renkulab | docker

-c, --config <config file>

YAML file containing configuration for the provider.

--image <image_name>

Docker image to use for the session.

--cpu <cpu quota>

CPUs quota for the session.

--disk <disk size>

Amount of disk space required for the session.

--gpu <GPU quota>

GPU quota for the session.

--memory <memory size>

Amount of memory required for the session.


Stop an interactive session.

renku session stop [OPTIONS] <name>


-p, --provider <provider>

Session provider to use.


renkulab | docker

-a, --all

Stops all the running containers.



Optional argument

Docker provider

The docker provider will take the current state of the repository, build a docker image (if one does not already exist) and then launch a session with this image. In addition to this, the docker provider will mount the local repository inside the docker container so that changes made in the session are immediately reflected on the host where the session was originally started from.

Please note that in order to use this provider Docker is expected to be installed and available on your computer. In addition, using this command from within a Renku interactive session started from the Renku website is not possible. This command is envisioned as a means for users to quickly test and check their sessions locally without going to a Renku deployment and launching a session there, or in the case where they simply have no access to a Renku deployment.

$ renku session start -p docker

The command first looks for a local image to use. If a local image isn’t found, it searches the remote Renku deployment (if any) and pulls the image if it exists. Finally, it prompts the user to build the image locally if no image is found.

Renkulab provider

The renkulab provider will launch a regular interactive session in the Renku deployment that hosts the current project. If the project has not been uploaded/created in a Renku deployment then this provider will not be able to launch a session. This provider is identical to going through the Renku website and launching a session “manually” by selecting the project, commit, branch, etc.

Please note that there are a few limitations with the renkulab provider:

  • If the user is not logged in (using the renku login command) then sessions can only be launched if the specific Renku deployment supports anonymous sessions.

  • When launching anonymous sessions local changes cannot be reflected in them and changes made inside the session cannot be saved nor downloaded locally. This feature should be used only for adhoc exploration or work that can be discarded when the session is closed. The CLI will print a warning every time an anonymous session is launched.

  • Changes made inside the interactive session are not immediately reflected locally, users should git pull any changes made inside an interactive session to get the same changes locally.

  • Local changes can only be reflected in the interactive session if they are committed and pushed to the git repository. When launching a session and uncommitted or unpushed changes are present, the user will be prompted to confirm whether Renku should commit and push the changes before a session is launched. The session will launch only if the changes are committed and pushed.

$ renku session start -p renkulab

Managing active sessions

The session command can be used to also list, stop and open active sessions. In order to see active sessions (from any provider) run the following command:

$ renku session ls -p renkulab
ID                   STATUS    URL
-------------------  --------  -------------------------------------------------
renku-test-e4fe76cc  running

An active session can be opened by using its ID from the list above. For example, the open command below will open the single active session in the browser.

$ renku session open renku-test-e4fe76cc

An active session can be stopped by using the stop command and the ID from the list of active sessions.

$ renku session stop renku-test-e4fe76cc

The command renku session stop --all will stop all active sessions regardless of the provider.