Source code for renku.core.template.template

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2020 - Swiss Data Science Center (SDSC)
# A partnership between École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) and
# Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich (ETHZ).
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
"""Template management."""

import json
import os
import re
import shutil
import tempfile
from enum import Enum, IntEnum, auto
from pathlib import Path
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, cast

from packaging.version import Version

from renku.core import errors
from renku.core.util import communication
from renku.core.util.git import clone_repository
from renku.core.util.os import hash_file
from renku.core.util.util import to_semantic_version, to_string
from renku.domain_model.project_context import project_context
from renku.domain_model.template import (
from renku.infrastructure.repository import Repository

    import importlib_resources
except ImportError:
    import importlib.resources as importlib_resources  # type:ignore

    from renku.domain_model.project import Project

TEMPLATE_KEEP_FILES = ["", "readme.rst", "readme.txt", "readme"]

[docs]class TemplateAction(Enum): """Types of template rendering.""" INITIALIZE = auto() SET = auto() UPDATE = auto()
[docs]class FileAction(IntEnum): """Types of operation when copying a template to a project.""" APPEND = 1 CREATE = 2 DELETED = 3 IGNORE_IDENTICAL = 4 IGNORE_UNCHANGED_REMOTE = 5 KEEP = 6 OVERWRITE = 7 RECREATE = 8
[docs]def fetch_templates_source(source: Optional[str], reference: Optional[str]) -> TemplatesSource: """Fetch a template.""" if reference and not source: raise errors.ParameterError("Can't use a template reference without specifying a template source") return ( EmbeddedTemplates.fetch(source, reference) if is_renku_template(source) else RepositoryTemplates.fetch(source, reference) )
[docs]def is_renku_template(source: Optional[str]) -> bool: """Return if template comes from Renku.""" return not source or source.lower() == "renku"
[docs]def write_template_checksum(checksums: Dict): """Write templates checksum file for a project.""" project_context.template_checksums_path.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) with open(project_context.template_checksums_path, "w") as checksum_file: json.dump(checksums, checksum_file)
[docs]def read_template_checksum() -> Dict[str, str]: """Read templates checksum file for a project.""" if has_template_checksum(): with open(project_context.template_checksums_path, "r") as checksum_file: return json.load(checksum_file) return {}
[docs]def has_template_checksum() -> bool: """Return if project has a templates checksum file.""" return os.path.exists(project_context.template_checksums_path)
[docs]def copy_template_to_project( rendered_template: RenderedTemplate, project: "Project", actions: Dict[str, FileAction], cleanup=True ): """Update project files and metadata from a template.""" def copy_template_metadata_to_project(): """Update template-related metadata in a project.""" write_template_checksum(rendered_template.checksums) project.template_source = rendered_template.template.source project.template_ref = rendered_template.template.reference project.template_id = project.template_version = rendered_template.template.version project.immutable_template_files = rendered_template.template.immutable_files.copy() project.automated_update = rendered_template.template.allow_update project.template_metadata = json.dumps(rendered_template.metadata) actions_mapping: Dict[FileAction, Tuple[str, str]] = { FileAction.APPEND: ("append", "Appending to"), FileAction.CREATE: ("copy", "Initializing"), FileAction.DELETED: ("", "Ignoring deleted file"), FileAction.IGNORE_IDENTICAL: ("", "Ignoring identical file"), FileAction.IGNORE_UNCHANGED_REMOTE: ("", "Ignoring unchanged template file"), FileAction.KEEP: ("", "Keeping"), FileAction.OVERWRITE: ("copy", "Overwriting"), FileAction.RECREATE: ("copy", "Recreating deleted file"), } for relative_path, action in get_sorted_actions(actions=actions).items(): source = rendered_template.path / relative_path destination = project_context.path / relative_path operation, message = actions_mapping[action] communication.echo(f"{message} {relative_path} ...") if not operation: continue try: destination.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) if operation == "copy": shutil.copy(source, destination, follow_symlinks=False) elif operation == "append": destination.write_text(destination.read_text() + "\n" + source.read_text()) except OSError as e: # TODO: Use a general cleanup strategy: if cleanup: repository = project_context.repository repository.reset(hard=True) repository.clean() raise errors.TemplateUpdateError(f"Cannot write to '{destination}'") from e copy_template_metadata_to_project()
[docs]def get_sorted_actions(actions: Dict[str, FileAction]) -> Dict[str, FileAction]: """Return a sorted actions list.""" return {k: v for k, v in sorted(actions.items(), key=lambda i: (i[1], i[0]))}
[docs]def get_file_actions( rendered_template: RenderedTemplate, template_action: TemplateAction, interactive ) -> Dict[str, FileAction]: """Render a template regarding files in a project.""" if interactive and not communication.has_prompt(): raise errors.ParameterError("Cannot use interactive mode with no prompt") old_checksums = read_template_checksum() try: immutable_files = project_context.project.immutable_template_files or [] except (AttributeError, ValueError): # NOTE: Project is not set immutable_files = [] def should_append(path: str): return path.lower() in TEMPLATE_INIT_APPEND_FILES def should_keep(path: str): return path.lower() in TEMPLATE_KEEP_FILES def get_action_for_initialize(relative_path: str, destination: Path) -> FileAction: if not destination.exists(): return FileAction.CREATE elif should_append(relative_path): return FileAction.APPEND elif should_keep(relative_path): return FileAction.KEEP else: return FileAction.OVERWRITE def get_action_for_set(relative_path: str, destination: Path, new_checksum: Optional[str]) -> FileAction: """Decide what to do with a template file.""" current_checksum = hash_file(destination) if not destination.exists(): return FileAction.CREATE if new_checksum == current_checksum: return FileAction.IGNORE_IDENTICAL elif interactive: overwrite = communication.confirm(f"Overwrite {relative_path}?", default=True) return FileAction.OVERWRITE if overwrite else FileAction.KEEP elif should_keep(relative_path): return FileAction.KEEP else: return FileAction.OVERWRITE def get_action_for_update( relative_path: str, destination: Path, old_checksum: Optional[str], new_checksum: Optional[str] ) -> FileAction: """Decide what to do with a template file.""" current_checksum = hash_file(destination) local_changes = current_checksum != old_checksum remote_changes = new_checksum != old_checksum file_exists = destination.exists() file_deleted = not file_exists and old_checksum is not None if not file_deleted and new_checksum == current_checksum: return FileAction.IGNORE_IDENTICAL if not file_exists and not file_deleted: return FileAction.CREATE elif interactive: if file_deleted: recreate = communication.confirm(f"Recreate deleted {relative_path}?", default=True) return FileAction.RECREATE if recreate else FileAction.DELETED else: overwrite = communication.confirm(f"Overwrite {relative_path}?", default=True) return FileAction.OVERWRITE if overwrite else FileAction.KEEP elif not remote_changes: return FileAction.IGNORE_UNCHANGED_REMOTE elif file_deleted or local_changes: if relative_path in immutable_files: # NOTE: There are local changes in a file that should not be changed by users, and the file was # updated in the template as well. So the template can't be updated. raise errors.TemplateUpdateError( f"Can't update template as immutable template file '{relative_path}' has local changes." ) # NOTE: Don't overwrite files that are modified by users return FileAction.DELETED if file_deleted else FileAction.KEEP else: return FileAction.OVERWRITE actions: Dict[str, FileAction] = {} for relative_path in sorted(rendered_template.get_files()): destination = project_context.path / relative_path if destination.is_dir(): raise errors.TemplateUpdateError( f"Cannot copy a file '{relative_path}' from template to the directory '{relative_path}'" ) new_checksum = rendered_template.checksums[relative_path] if template_action == TemplateAction.INITIALIZE: action = get_action_for_initialize(relative_path, destination) elif template_action == TemplateAction.SET: action = get_action_for_set(relative_path, destination, new_checksum=new_checksum) else: action = get_action_for_update( relative_path, destination, old_checksum=old_checksums.get(relative_path), new_checksum=new_checksum, ) actions[relative_path] = action return actions
[docs]def set_template_parameters( template: Template, template_metadata: TemplateMetadata, input_parameters: Dict[str, str], interactive=False ): """Set and verify template parameters' values in the template_metadata.""" if interactive and not communication.has_prompt(): raise errors.ParameterError("Cannot use interactive mode with no prompt") def validate(var: TemplateParameter, val) -> Tuple[bool, Any]: try: return True, var.convert(val) except ValueError as e: return False, val def read_valid_value(var: TemplateParameter, default_value=None): """Prompt the user for a template variable and return a valid value.""" while True: variable_type = f", type: {var.type}" if var.type else "" enum_values = f", options: {var.possible_values}" if var.possible_values else "" default_value = default_value or to_string(var.default) val = communication.prompt( f"Enter a value for '{}' ({var.description}{variable_type}{enum_values})", default=default_value, show_default=var.has_default, ) valid, val = validate(var, val) if valid: return val missing_values = [] for parameter in sorted(template.parameters, key=lambda v: name = is_valid = True if name in input_parameters: # NOTE: Inputs override other values. No prompt for them in interactive mode is_valid, value = validate(parameter, input_parameters[name]) elif interactive: value = read_valid_value(parameter, default_value=template_metadata.metadata.get(name)) elif name in template_metadata.metadata: is_valid, value = validate(parameter, template_metadata.metadata[name]) elif parameter.has_default: # Use default value if no value is available in the metadata value = parameter.default elif communication.has_prompt(): value = read_valid_value(parameter) else: missing_values.append(name) continue if not is_valid: if not communication.has_prompt(): raise errors.TemplateUpdateError(f"Invalid value '{value}' for variable '{name}'") template_metadata.metadata[name] = read_valid_value(parameter) else: template_metadata.metadata[name] = value if missing_values: missing_values_str = ", ".join(missing_values) raise errors.TemplateUpdateError(f"Can't update template, it now requires variable(s): {missing_values_str}") # NOTE: Ignore internal variables, i.e. __\w__ internal_keys = re.compile(r"^__\w+__$") metadata_variables = {v for v in template_metadata.metadata if not internal_keys.match(v)} | set( input_parameters.keys() ) template_variables = { for v in template.parameters} unused_metadata_variables = metadata_variables - template_variables if len(unused_metadata_variables) > 0: unused_str = "\n\t".join(unused_metadata_variables)"These parameters are not used by the template and were ignored:\n\t{unused_str}\n")
[docs]class EmbeddedTemplates(TemplatesSource): """Represent templates that are bundled with Renku. For embedded templates, ``source`` is "renku". In the old versioning scheme, ``version`` is set to the installed Renku version and ``reference`` is not set. In the new scheme, both ``version`` and ``reference`` are set to the template version. """
[docs] @classmethod def fetch(cls, source: Optional[str], reference: Optional[str]) -> "EmbeddedTemplates": """Fetch embedded Renku templates.""" from renku import __template_version__ template_path = importlib_resources.files("renku") / "templates" with importlib_resources.as_file(template_path) as folder: path = Path(folder) return cls(path=path, source="renku", reference=__template_version__, version=__template_version__)
[docs] def get_all_references(self, id) -> List[str]: """Return all available references for a template id.""" template_exists = any( == id for t in self.templates) return [self.reference] if template_exists and self.reference is not None else []
[docs] def get_latest_reference_and_version( self, id: str, reference: Optional[str], version: Optional[str] ) -> Optional[Tuple[Optional[str], str]]: """Return latest reference and version number of a template.""" if version is None: return None elif reference is None or reference != version: # Old versioning scheme return self.reference, self.version try: current_version = Version(version) except ValueError: # NOTE: version is not a valid SemVer return self.reference, self.version else: return (self.reference, self.version) if current_version < Version(self.version) else (reference, version)
[docs] def get_template(self, id, reference: Optional[str]) -> Optional["Template"]: """Return all available versions for a template id.""" try: return next(t for t in self.templates if == id) except StopIteration: raise errors.TemplateNotFoundError(f"The template with id '{id}' is not available.")
[docs]class RepositoryTemplates(TemplatesSource): """Represent a local/remote template repository. A template repository is checked out at a specific Git reference if one is provided. However, it's still possible to get available versions of templates. """ def __init__(self, path, source, reference, version, repository: Repository, skip_validation: bool = False): super().__init__( path=path, source=source, reference=reference, version=version, skip_validation=skip_validation ) self.repository: Repository = repository
[docs] @classmethod def fetch(cls, source: Optional[str], reference: Optional[str]) -> "RepositoryTemplates": """Fetch a template repository.""" ref_str = f"@{reference}" if reference else "" communication.echo(f"Fetching template from {source}{ref_str}... ") path = Path(tempfile.mkdtemp()) try: repository = clone_repository(url=source, path=path, checkout_revision=reference, install_lfs=False) except errors.GitError as e: if "Cannot checkout reference" in str(e): raise errors.TemplateMissingReferenceError( f"Cannot find the reference '{reference}' in the template repository from {source}" ) from e raise errors.InvalidTemplateError(f"Cannot clone template repository from {source}") from e version = repository.head.commit.hexsha return cls(path=path, source=source, reference=reference, version=version, repository=repository)
[docs] def get_all_references(self, id) -> List[str]: """Return a list of git tags that are valid SemVer and include a template id.""" versions = [] for tag in self.repository.tags: tag = str(tag) version = to_semantic_version(tag) if not version: continue if self._has_template_at(id, reference=tag): versions.append(version) return [str(v) for v in sorted(versions)]
[docs] def get_latest_reference_and_version( self, id: str, reference: Optional[str], version: Optional[str] ) -> Optional[Tuple[Optional[str], str]]: """Return latest reference and version number of a template.""" if version is None: return None tag = None if reference is not None: tag = to_semantic_version(reference) # NOTE: Assume that a SemVer reference is always a tag if tag: references = self.get_all_references(id=id) return (references[-1], self.version) if len(references) > 0 else None # NOTE: Template's reference is a branch or SHA and the latest version is RepositoryTemplates' version return reference, self.version
def _has_template_at(self, id: str, reference: str) -> bool: """Return if template id is available at a reference.""" try: content = self.repository.get_content(TEMPLATE_MANIFEST, revision=reference) if isinstance(content, bytes): return False manifest = TemplatesManifest.from_string(cast(str, content)) except (errors.FileNotFound, errors.InvalidTemplateError): return False else: return any( == id for t in manifest.templates)
[docs] def get_template(self, id, reference: Optional[str]) -> Optional["Template"]: """Return a template at a specific reference.""" if reference is not None and reference != self.reference: try: self.repository.checkout(reference=reference) except errors.GitError as e: raise errors.InvalidTemplateError(f"Cannot find reference '{reference}'") from e else: self.reference = reference self.version = self.repository.head.commit.hexsha try: manifest = TemplatesManifest.from_path(self.path / TEMPLATE_MANIFEST) except errors.InvalidTemplateError as e: raise errors.InvalidTemplateError(f"Cannot load template's manifest file at '{reference}'.") from e else: self.manifest = manifest template = next((t for t in self.templates if == id), None) if template is None: raise errors.TemplateNotFoundError(f"The template with id '{id}' is not available at '{reference}'.") return template