Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2018-2022 - Swiss Data Science Center (SDSC)
# A partnership between École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) and
# Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich (ETHZ).
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
"""Client for handling a local repository."""

import os
import shutil
from contextlib import contextmanager
from fnmatch import fnmatch
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional
from uuid import uuid4

import attr
import filelock

from renku.command.command_builder import inject
from renku.core import errors
from renku.core.constant import RENKU_HOME
from renku.core.interface.database_gateway import IDatabaseGateway
from renku.core.interface.project_gateway import IProjectGateway
from import GitCore
from renku.core.util.git import default_path
from renku.domain_model.enums import ConfigFilter
from renku.domain_model.project import Project


def _convert_data_dir_to_str(value: Optional[Any]) -> str:
    """Convert a passed data dir value to string."""
    if value is not None:
        return str(value)


def _path_converter(path) -> Path:
    """Converter for path in PathMixin."""
    return Path(path).resolve()

[docs]@attr.s class PathMixin: """Define a default path attribute.""" path: Path = attr.ib(default=default_path, converter=_path_converter) # type: ignore @path.validator def _check_path(self, _, value): """Check the path exists and it is a directory.""" if not (value.exists() and value.is_dir()): raise ValueError("Define an existing directory.")
[docs]@attr.s class RepositoryApiMixin(GitCore): """Client for handling a local repository.""" renku_home = attr.ib(default=RENKU_HOME) """Define a name of the Renku folder (Default value = '.renku').""" renku_path = attr.ib(init=False) """Store a ``Path`` instance of the Renku folder.""" parent = attr.ib(default=None) """Store a pointer to the parent repository.""" data_dir = attr.ib(default=DEFAULT_DATA_DIR, kw_only=True, converter=_convert_data_dir_to_str) """Define a name of the folder for storing datasets.""" LOCK_SUFFIX = ".lock" """Default suffix for Renku lock file.""" DATABASE_PATH: str = "metadata" """Directory for metadata storage.""" DOCKERFILE = "Dockerfile" """Name of the Dockerfile in the repository.""" TEMPLATE_CHECKSUMS = "template_checksums.json" RENKU_PROTECTED_PATHS = [ ".dockerignore", ".git", ".git/*", ".gitattributes", ".gitignore", ".gitlab-ci.yml", ".renku", ".renku/**", ".renkulfsignore", "Dockerfile*", "environment.yml", "requirements.txt", ] _remote_cache = attr.ib(factory=dict) def __attrs_post_init__(self): """Initialize computed attributes.""" #: Configure Renku path. path = Path(self.renku_home) if not path.is_absolute(): path = self.path / path path.relative_to(path) self.renku_path = path data_dir = self.get_value("renku", self.DATA_DIR_CONFIG_KEY, config_filter=ConfigFilter.LOCAL_ONLY) self.data_dir = data_dir or self.data_dir self._project = None self._transaction_id = None super().__attrs_post_init__() # initialize submodules if self.repository: try: self.repository.run_git_command("submodule", "update", "--init", "--recursive", cwd=str(self.path)) except errors.GitCommandError: pass @property def latest_agent(self): """Returns latest agent version used in the repository.""" try: return self.project.agent_version except ValueError as e: if "Project name not set" in str(e): return None raise @property def lock(self): """Create a Renku config lock.""" return filelock.FileLock(str(self.renku_path.with_suffix(self.LOCK_SUFFIX)), timeout=0) @property def docker_path(self): """Path to the Dockerfile.""" return self.path / self.DOCKERFILE @property def template_checksums(self): """Return a ``Path`` instance to the template checksums file.""" return self.renku_path / self.TEMPLATE_CHECKSUMS @property def database_path(self) -> Path: """Path to the metadata storage directory.""" return self.renku_path / self.DATABASE_PATH @property # type: ignore @inject.autoparams() def project(self, project_gateway: IProjectGateway): # type: ignore """Return the Project instance.""" self._project = project_gateway.get_project() return self._project @property def transaction_id(self): """Get a transaction id for the current client to be used for grouping git commits.""" if not self._transaction_id: self._transaction_id = uuid4().hex return f"\n\nrenku-transaction: {self._transaction_id}" @property def remote(self): """Return host, owner and name of the remote if it exists.""" from renku.domain_model.git import GitURL original_remote_name = remote_name = "origin" if original_remote_name in self._remote_cache: return self._remote_cache[original_remote_name] host = owner = name = None try: if self.repository.active_branch: remote_branch = self.repository.active_branch.remote_branch if remote_branch is not None: remote_name = except (AttributeError, errors.GitError): # NOTE: AttributeError is raised if there is a None value pass try: url = GitURL.parse(self.repository.remotes[remote_name].url) # Remove gitlab. unless running on hostname_parts = url.hostname.split(".") if len(hostname_parts) > 2 and hostname_parts[0] == "gitlab": hostname_parts = hostname_parts[1:] url = attr.evolve(url, hostname=".".join(hostname_parts)) except errors.GitRemoteNotFoundError: url = None if url: host = url.hostname owner = url.owner name = remote = {"host": host, "owner": owner, "name": name} self._remote_cache[original_remote_name] = remote return remote
[docs] def is_project_set(self): """Return if project is set for the client.""" return self._project is not None
[docs] def has_template_checksum(self) -> bool: """Return if project has a templates checksum file.""" return os.path.exists(self.template_checksums)
[docs] def get_in_submodules(self, commit, path): """Resolve filename in submodules.""" from import LocalClient original_path = self.path / path in_vendor = str(path).startswith(".renku/vendors") if original_path.is_symlink() or in_vendor: resolved_path = original_path.resolve() for submodule in self.repository.submodules: if not (submodule.path / ".git").exists(): continue try: path_within_submodule = resolved_path.relative_to(submodule.path) commit = submodule.get_previous_commit(path=path_within_submodule, revision=commit.hexsha) subclient = LocalClient(submodule.path) except (ValueError, errors.GitCommitNotFoundError): pass else: return subclient, commit, path_within_submodule return self, commit, path
[docs] @contextmanager @inject.autoparams("project_gateway", "database_gateway") def with_metadata( self, project_gateway: IProjectGateway, database_gateway: IDatabaseGateway, read_only: bool = False, name: Optional[str] = None, namespace: Optional[str] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, keywords: Optional[List[str]] = None, custom_metadata: Optional[Dict] = None, ): """Yield an editable metadata object. Args: project_gateway(IProjectGateway): Injected project gateway. database_gateway(IDatabaseGateway): Injected database gateway. read_only(bool): Whether to save changes or not (Default value = False). name(Optional[str]): Name of the project (when creating a new one) (Default value = None). namespace(Optional[str]): Namespace of the project (when creating a new one) (Default value = None). description(Optional[str]): Project description (when creating a new one) (Default value = None). keywords(Optional[List[str]]): Keywords for the project (when creating a new one) (Default value = None). custom_metadata(Optional[Dict]): Custom JSON-LD metadata (when creating a new project) (Default value = None). """ try: project = project_gateway.get_project() except ValueError: project = Project.from_client( name=name, namespace=namespace, description=description, keywords=keywords, custom_metadata=custom_metadata, client=self, # type: ignore ) yield project if not read_only: project_gateway.update_project(project) database_gateway.commit()
[docs] def has_graph_files(self): """Return true if database exists.""" return self.database_path.exists() and any( f for f in self.database_path.iterdir() if f != self.database_path / "root" )
[docs] def init_repository(self, force=False, user=None, initial_branch=None): """Initialize an empty Renku repository.""" from renku.infrastructure.repository import Repository # initialize repo and set user data path = self.path.absolute() if force and (path / RENKU_HOME).exists(): shutil.rmtree(path / RENKU_HOME) self.repository = Repository.initialize(path=path, branch=initial_branch) if user: with self.repository.get_configuration(writable=True) as config_writer: for key, value in user.items(): config_writer.set_value("user", key, value) # verify if git user information is available _ = self.repository.get_user()
[docs] def is_protected_path(self, path): """Checks if a path is a protected path.""" try: path_in_repo = str(path.relative_to(self.path)) except ValueError: return False for protected_path in self.RENKU_PROTECTED_PATHS: if fnmatch(path_in_repo, protected_path): return True return False