Source code for renku.core.dataset.tag

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2017-2022 - Swiss Data Science Center (SDSC)
# A partnership between École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) and
# Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich (ETHZ).
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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"""Tag management for dataset."""

import re
from typing import List, Optional

from renku.command.format.dataset_tags import DATASET_TAGS_FORMATS
from renku.core import errors
from renku.core.dataset.datasets_provenance import DatasetsProvenance
from renku.core.util import communication
from renku.domain_model.dataset import Dataset, DatasetTag, Url
from renku.infrastructure.gateway.dataset_gateway import DatasetGateway
from renku.infrastructure.immutable import DynamicProxy

[docs]def add_dataset_tag(dataset_name: str, tag: str, description="", force=False): """Adds a new tag to a dataset. Validates if the tag already exists and that the tag follows the same rules as docker tags. See for a documentation of docker tag syntax. Raises: ``errors.ParameterError``: If tag is too long or contains invalid characters. """ if len(tag) > 128: raise errors.ParameterError("Tags can be at most 128 characters long.") if not re.match("^(?![.-])[a-zA-Z0-9_.-]{1,128}$", tag): raise errors.ParameterError( f"Tag '{tag}' is invalid.\n" "Only characters a-z, A-Z, 0-9, ., - and _ are allowed.\nTag can't start with a . or -" ) datasets_provenance = DatasetsProvenance() dataset = datasets_provenance.get_by_name(dataset_name, strict=True) assert dataset is not None tags = datasets_provenance.get_all_tags(dataset) existing_tag = next((t for t in tags if == tag), None) if existing_tag: if not force: raise errors.ParameterError(f"Tag '{tag}' already exists") datasets_provenance.remove_tag(dataset, existing_tag) new_tag = DatasetTag(dataset_id=Url(, description=description, name=tag) datasets_provenance.add_tag(dataset, new_tag)
[docs]def list_dataset_tags(dataset_name, format): """List all tags for a dataset.""" datasets_provenance = DatasetsProvenance() dataset = datasets_provenance.get_by_name(dataset_name, strict=True) assert dataset is not None tags = datasets_provenance.get_all_tags(dataset) tags = sorted(tags, key=lambda t: t.date_created) tags = [DynamicProxy(t) for t in tags] for tag in tags: tag.dataset = dataset.title return DATASET_TAGS_FORMATS[format](tags)
[docs]def remove_dataset_tags(dataset_name: str, tags: List[str]): """Removes tags from a dataset.""" datasets_provenance = DatasetsProvenance() dataset = datasets_provenance.get_by_name(dataset_name, strict=True) assert dataset is not None dataset_tags = datasets_provenance.get_all_tags(dataset) tag_names = { for t in dataset_tags} not_found = set(tags).difference(tag_names) if len(not_found) > 0: raise errors.ParameterError(f"Tags [{', '.join(not_found)}] not found") for tag in dataset_tags: if in tags: datasets_provenance.remove_tag(dataset, tag)
[docs]def get_dataset_by_tag(dataset: Dataset, tag: str) -> Optional[Dataset]: """Return a version of dataset that has a specific tag. Args: dataset(Dataset): A dataset to return its tagged version. tag(str): Tag name to search for. Returns: Optional[Dataset]: The dataset pointed to by the tag or None if nothing found. """ dataset_gateway = DatasetGateway() tags = dataset_gateway.get_all_tags(dataset) selected_tag = next((t for t in tags if == tag), None) if selected_tag is None: return None return dataset_gateway.get_by_id(selected_tag.dataset_id.value)
[docs]def prompt_access_token(exporter): """Prompt user for an access token for a provider. Returns: The new access token """ text_prompt = f"You must configure an access token\nCreate one at: {exporter.access_token_url()}\nAccess token: " return communication.prompt(text_prompt, type=str)
[docs]def prompt_tag_selection(tags) -> Optional[DatasetTag]: """Prompt user to chose a tag or <HEAD>.""" tags = sorted(tags, key=lambda t: t.date_created) text_prompt = "Tag to export: \n\n<HEAD>\t[1]\n" text_prompt += "\n".join(f"{}\t[{i}]" for i, t in enumerate(tags, start=2)) text_prompt += "\n\nTag" while True: selection = communication.prompt(text_prompt, type=int, default=1) if selection == 1: return None elif selection > 1 and selection <= len(tags) + 1: return tags[selection - 2] communication.warn(f"{selection} is not a valid choice. Selected value has to be between 1 and {len(tags) + 1}")