Source code for renku.command.command_builder.command

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2018-2022 - Swiss Data Science Center (SDSC)
# A partnership between École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) and
# Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich (ETHZ).
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
"""Command builder."""

import contextlib
import functools
import threading
from collections import defaultdict
from pathlib import Path
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Union

import click
import inject

from renku.core import errors
from renku.core.util.communication import CommunicationCallback
from renku.core.util.git import default_path

    from import LocalClient

_LOCAL = threading.local()

def check_finalized(f):
    """Decorator to prevent modification of finalized builders.

        f: Decorated function.

        Wrapped function.

    def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
        """Decorator to prevent modification of finalized builders."""
        if not args or not isinstance(args[0], Command):
            raise errors.ParameterError("Command hooks need to be `Command` object methods.")

        if args[0].finalized:
            raise errors.CommandFinalizedError("Cannot modify a finalized `Command`.")

        return f(*args, **kwargs)

    return wrapper

def _patched_get_injector_or_die() -> inject.Injector:
    """Patched version of get_injector_or_die with thread local injectors.

    Allows deferred definition of an injector per thread.
    injector = getattr(_LOCAL, "injector", None)
    if not injector:
        raise inject.InjectorException("No injector is configured")

    return injector

def _patched_configure(config: Optional[inject.BinderCallable] = None, bind_in_runtime: bool = True) -> inject.Injector:
    """Create an injector with a callable config or raise an exception when already configured.

        config(Optional[inject.BinderCallable], optional): Injection binding config (Default value = None).
        bind_in_runtime(bool, optional): Whether to allow binding at runtime (Default value = True).

        Injector: Threadsafe injector with bindings applied.

    if getattr(_LOCAL, "injector", None):
        raise inject.InjectorException("Injector is already configured")

    _LOCAL.injector = inject.Injector(config, bind_in_runtime=bind_in_runtime)

    return _LOCAL.injector

inject.configure = _patched_configure
inject.get_injector_or_die = _patched_get_injector_or_die

def remove_injector():
    """Remove a thread-local injector."""
    if getattr(_LOCAL, "injector", None):
        del _LOCAL.injector

def replace_injection(bindings: Dict, constructor_bindings=None):
    """Temporarily inject various test objects.

        bindings: New normal injection bindings to apply.
        constructor_bindings: New constructor bindings to apply (Default value = None).
    constructor_bindings = constructor_bindings or {}

    def bind(binder):
        for key, value in bindings.items():
            binder.bind(key, value)
        for key, value in constructor_bindings.items():
            binder.bind_to_constructor(key, value)

    old_injector = getattr(_LOCAL, "injector", None)
        if old_injector:
        inject.configure(bind, bind_in_runtime=False)


        if old_injector:
            _LOCAL.injector = old_injector

def update_injected_client(new_client, update_database: bool = True):
    """Update the injected client instance.

    Necessary because we sometimes use attr.evolve to modify a client and this doesn't affect the injected instance.

        new_client: New ``LocalClient`` to inject.
        update_database(bool, optional): Whether to also update bound database (Default value = True).
    from import LocalClient
    from renku.infrastructure.database import Database

    injector = getattr(_LOCAL, "injector", None)

    if not injector:
        raise inject.InjectorException("No injector is configured")

    injector._bindings[LocalClient] = lambda: new_client
    injector._bindings["LocalClient"] = lambda: new_client

    if update_database and Database in injector._bindings:
        database = Database.from_path(path=new_client.database_path)
        injector._bindings[Database] = lambda: database

[docs]class Command: """Base renku command builder.""" CLIENT_HOOK_ORDER = 1 def __init__(self) -> None: """__init__ of Command.""" self.injection_pre_hooks: Dict[int, List[Callable]] = defaultdict(list) self.pre_hooks: Dict[int, List[Callable]] = defaultdict(list) self.post_hooks: Dict[int, List[Callable]] = defaultdict(list) self._operation: Optional[Callable] = None self._finalized: bool = False self._track_std_streams: bool = False self._working_directory: Optional[str] = None self._client: Optional["LocalClient"] = None self._client_was_created: bool = False def __getattr__(self, name: str) -> Any: """Bubble up attributes of wrapped builders.""" if "_builder" in self.__dict__: return getattr(self._builder, name) raise AttributeError(f"{self.__class__.__name__} object has no attribute {name}") def __setattr__(self, name: str, value: Any) -> None: """Set attributes of wrapped builders.""" if hasattr(self, "_builder") and self.__class__ is not self._builder.__class__: self._builder.__setattr__(name, value) object.__setattr__(self, name, value) def _injection_pre_hook(self, builder: "Command", context: dict, *args, **kwargs) -> None: """Setup dependency injections. Args: builder("Command"): Current ``CommandBuilder``. context(dict): Current context dictionary. """ from renku.command.command_builder.client_dispatcher import ClientDispatcher from renku.core.interface.client_dispatcher import IClientDispatcher from import LocalClient dispatcher = ClientDispatcher() ctx = click.get_current_context(silent=True) if ctx is None: if self._client: dispatcher.push_created_client_to_stack(self._client) else: self._client = dispatcher.push_client_to_stack(path=default_path(self._working_directory or ".")) self._client_was_created = True ctx = click.Context(click.Command(builder._operation)) # type: ignore else: if not self._client: self._client = ctx.ensure_object(LocalClient) dispatcher.push_created_client_to_stack(self._client) context["bindings"] = {IClientDispatcher: dispatcher, "IClientDispatcher": dispatcher} context["constructor_bindings"] = {} context["client_dispatcher"] = dispatcher context["click_context"] = ctx def _pre_hook(self, builder: "Command", context: dict, *args, **kwargs) -> None: """Setup local client. Args: builder("Command"): Current ``CommandBuilder``. context(dict): Current context dictionary. """ stack = contextlib.ExitStack() context["stack"] = stack def _post_hook(self, builder: "Command", context: dict, result: "CommandResult", *args, **kwargs) -> None: """Post-hook method. Args: builder("Command"): Current ``CommandBuilder``. context(dict): Current context dictionary. result("CommandResult"): Result of command execution. """ remove_injector() if self._client_was_created and self._client and self._client.repository is not None: self._client.repository.close() if result.error: raise result.error
[docs] def execute(self, *args, **kwargs) -> "CommandResult": """Execute the wrapped operation. First executes `pre_hooks` in ascending `order`, passing a read/write context between them. It then calls the wrapped `operation`. The result of the operation then gets pass to all the `post_hooks`, but in descending `order`. It then returns the result or error if there was one. Returns: CommandResult: Result of execution of command. """ if not self.finalized: raise errors.CommandNotFinalizedError("Call `build()` before executing a command") context: Dict[str, Any] = {} if any(self.injection_pre_hooks): order = sorted(self.injection_pre_hooks.keys()) for o in order: for hook in self.injection_pre_hooks[o]: hook(self, context, *args, **kwargs) def _bind(binder): for key, value in context["bindings"].items(): binder.bind(key, value) for key, value in context["constructor_bindings"].items(): binder.bind_to_constructor(key, value) return binder inject.configure(_bind, bind_in_runtime=False) if any(self.pre_hooks): order = sorted(self.pre_hooks.keys()) for o in order: for hook in self.pre_hooks[o]: try: hook(self, context, *args, **kwargs) except (Exception, BaseException): # don't leak injections from failed hook remove_injector() raise output = None error = None try: with context["stack"]: output = context["click_context"].invoke(self._operation, *args, **kwargs) except errors.RenkuException as e: error = e except (Exception, BaseException): remove_injector() raise result = CommandResult(output, error, CommandResult.FAILURE if error else CommandResult.SUCCESS) if any(self.post_hooks): order = sorted(self.post_hooks.keys(), reverse=True) for o in order: for hook in self.post_hooks[o]: hook(self, context, result, *args, **kwargs) return result
@property def finalized(self) -> bool: """Whether this builder is still being constructed or has been finalized.""" if hasattr(self, "_builder"): return self._builder.finalized return self._finalized
[docs] @check_finalized def add_injection_pre_hook(self, order: int, hook: Callable): """Add a pre-execution hook for dependency injection. Args: order(int): Determines the order of executed hooks, lower numbers get executed first. hook(Callable): The hook to add. """ if hasattr(self, "_builder"): self._builder.add_injection_pre_hook(order, hook) else: self.injection_pre_hooks[order].append(hook)
[docs] @check_finalized def add_pre_hook(self, order: int, hook: Callable): """Add a pre-execution hook. Args: order(int): Determines the order of executed hooks, lower numbers get executed first. hook(Callable): The hook to add. """ if hasattr(self, "_builder"): self._builder.add_pre_hook(order, hook) else: self.pre_hooks[order].append(hook)
[docs] @check_finalized def add_post_hook(self, order: int, hook: Callable): """Add a post-execution hook. Args: order(int): Determines the order of executed hooks, higher numbers get executed first. hook(Callable): The hook to add. """ if hasattr(self, "_builder"): self._builder.add_post_hook(order, hook) else: self.post_hooks[order].append(hook)
[docs] @check_finalized def build(self) -> "Command": """Build (finalize) the command. Returns: Command: Finalized command that cannot be modified. """ if not self._operation: raise errors.ConfigurationError("`Command` needs to have a wrapped `command` set") self.add_injection_pre_hook(self.CLIENT_HOOK_ORDER, self._injection_pre_hook) self.add_pre_hook(self.CLIENT_HOOK_ORDER, self._pre_hook) self.add_post_hook(self.CLIENT_HOOK_ORDER, self._post_hook) self._finalized = True return self
[docs] @check_finalized def command(self, operation: Callable): """Set the wrapped command. Args: operation(Callable): The function to wrap in the command builder. Returns: Command: This command. """ self._operation = operation return self
[docs] @check_finalized def working_directory(self, directory: str) -> "Command": """Set the working directory for the command. Args: directory(str): The working directory to work in. Returns: Command: This command. """ self._working_directory = directory return self
[docs] @check_finalized def track_std_streams(self) -> "Command": """Whether to track STD streams or not. Returns: Command: This command. """ self._track_std_streams = True return self
[docs] @check_finalized def with_client(self, client: "LocalClient") -> "Command": """Set a client.""" self._client = client return self
[docs] @check_finalized def with_git_isolation(self) -> "Command": """Whether to run in git isolation or not.""" from renku.command.command_builder.repo import Isolation return Isolation(self)
[docs] @check_finalized def with_commit( self, message: Optional[str] = None, commit_if_empty: bool = False, raise_if_empty: bool = False, commit_only: Optional[Union[str, List[Union[str, Path]]]] = None, skip_staging: bool = False, ) -> "Command": """Create a commit. Args: message(str, optional): The commit message. Auto-generated if left empty (Default value = None). commit_if_empty(bool, optional): Whether to commit if there are no modified files (Default value = False). raise_if_empty(bool, optional): Whether to raise an exception if there are no modified files (Default value = False). commit_only(bool, optional): Only commit the supplied paths (Default value = None). """ from renku.command.command_builder.repo import Commit return Commit(self, message, commit_if_empty, raise_if_empty, commit_only, skip_staging)
[docs] @check_finalized def lock_project(self) -> "Command": """Acquire a lock for the whole project.""" from renku.command.command_builder.lock import ProjectLock return ProjectLock(self)
[docs] @check_finalized def lock_dataset(self) -> "Command": """Acquire a lock for a dataset.""" from renku.command.command_builder.lock import DatasetLock return DatasetLock(self)
[docs] @check_finalized def require_migration(self) -> "Command": """Check if a migration is needed.""" from renku.command.command_builder.migration import RequireMigration return RequireMigration(self)
[docs] @check_finalized def require_clean(self) -> "Command": """Check that the repository is clean.""" from renku.command.command_builder.repo import RequireClean return RequireClean(self)
[docs] @check_finalized def with_communicator(self, communicator: CommunicationCallback) -> "Command": """Create a communicator. Args: communicator(CommunicationCallback): Communicator to use for writing to user. """ from renku.command.command_builder.communication import Communicator return Communicator(self, communicator)
[docs] @check_finalized def with_database(self, write: bool = False, path: str = None, create: bool = False) -> "Command": """Provide an object database connection. Args: write(bool, optional): Whether or not to persist changes to the database (Default value = False). path(str, optional): Location of the database (Default value = None). create(bool, optional): Whether the database should be created if it doesn't exist (Default value = False). """ from renku.command.command_builder.database import DatabaseCommand return DatabaseCommand(self, write, path, create)
class CommandResult: """The result of a command. The return value of the command is set as `.output`, if there was an error, it is set as `.error`, and the status of the command is set to either `CommandResult.SUCCESS` or CommandResult.FAILURE`. """ SUCCESS = 0 FAILURE = 1 def __init__(self, output, error, status) -> None: """__init__ of CommandResult.""" self.output = output self.error = error self.status = status